Dead Frontier Multiplayer Game

Posted : admin On 31.12.2019
Dead Frontier Multiplayer Game 4,7/5 3883 votes

Youll have hubs, and youll be able to interact with the public at large in things like trading, you realy dont need to see 10,000 ppl running through the same streets, that would be unrealistic, it helps to imagin a city like new york in a zombie apocalypse with a population of 8.538 million ppl in 2016. Vast majority of them become the living dead and you have 10k survivors but they are dispersed amoung that zombie population all across the city - you finding 4 to 8 surviors near you would be an optomistic thought mathemateticlaly - sure its possible but so incredibly unlikely. You might find them gathered in key locations or hubs but not wandering about. Originally posted by:i dont need 1000 or even 100.i would be happy with 8^^ and i think a max of 12 would be DF3D you normally have more than 4 ppl in a boss fight as long as player interaction is possible im good - power to the individual is what im after - im sick of games that force human to human interaction especialy games in the apocalypse setting. This is one of the way alot of games fail. Like rust for example.

Dead Frontier Multiplayer Game

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The more ppl you throw in the pot the more toxic and off the mark the game becomes. You should be looking for the sweet spot of player interaction instead of trying to drown in it. I think dead frontier had that right and think hes got it right again - (rust in the begining lured ppl with promise a rediculously large map in legacy and the promise of survival zombies and possible player interaction. Then they scraped all that, threw away all the npc elements, made their map into a shoe box and dumped 500 mentaly challenged ppl into it, the end result was hacking and zerging grand scale. What was supposed to be a game like this ended up being another ♥♥♥♥ shooter clone)The point being that there is an extreem lack of games like the ones admin pwn creates and theres a whole lot of us that will fill the market for games like this.

To be honest, I don't think the game should allow more than 4 players. I understand it would be hella fun but it might mess with the balance of the game, i mean imagine 8 players roaming around, sticking together. You'll mow down everything in your path, including bosses with little effort.Unless the game gets a diablo style buff where enemies become much tougher or bigger/more frequent hordes where there's a higher player count in the server you're in, I really feel like it'll mess with the economy of the game. I mean, imagine like 8 people all looting a single object (assuming looting works the same way as DF1), all protecting each other so they can all loot the same object. Or easily defeating a boss and all of them looting the boss.

Dead Frontier 3

That's 8 seperate drops vs 4 drops.It's just a bit too much in my opinion depending on the information we currently know. All of what I say may be disproven by the devs and/or on release so take it with a grain of salt.

Originally posted by:my problem is that i cant imagine a Dead Froniter game with just 4 player. If DF3D had a max of 4 player i would be done this this game after 4 or 5 days.i wish my english would be batter to explain my fears better ^^ DF3D multiplayer sure is great with the sync being ♥♥♥♥ing horrible and the zombies getting lag armor making it twice or three times the amount of bullets to kill compared to single player mode lol. Multiplayer is only good for boss fights and certain missions, for grinding and looting it's a detrement.