How To Get Rid Of Ants In Strawberry Patch

Posted : admin On 27.01.2020
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How To Get Rid Of Ants In Strawberry Patch

Safe Insecticide For Ants In StrawberriesThere are many insects that can damage your strawberry plants and while causing damage to the plants, these insects could also transmit diseases. However, while you can handle many of the insects through effective use of biological insecticides, the one insect that seems to cause a lot of problems to strawberries is the ubiquitous ant.There are many people who will tell you not to plant strawberries in a patch where any other fruit or vegetable was growing for the last 2 to 3 years. This seems to help in limiting the attack by ants. In addition, you will be advised to move your strawberry patch every 3 to 4 years to ensure that insects like ants do not build up in the area. However, even after following these measures, it is quite possible that your strawberries are attacked by ants.

Then you should be looking for a safe insecticide for ants in strawberries.Here are some insecticides that you can use against ants attacking your strawberries. One of the natural measures to get rid of ants from a strawberry patch is to use diatomaceous earth. This is product is also known as diatomite, kieselguhr or kieselgur. It is a soft sedimentary rock that easily breaks down into a fine white powder. However, the powder is abrasive in nature due to the presence of diatom fossils.Diatomaceous earth attaches itself to the body of the ants and causes dehydration in them which is fatal.You can also use sprays and powders on the anthills around the strawberry plants. Some of the sprays and powders that are highly effective in getting rid of ants in strawberries are Dursban, Diazinon, Baygon, carbaryl and bendiocarb.

However, make sure that you do not spray or dust the plant directly with these insecticides, especially when the strawberry is flowering or it is bearing fruits. It goes without saying that you need to follow the directions on the label to ensure that you do not harm your strawberry plants.One safe insecticide to tackle ant problem in your strawberry patch is Basic H. This is a biological spray made from soy beans. Other safe insecticides that you can use are rotenone and pyrethrum.More Articles:.

Marilyn, If you don't have pets in your yard to worry about, the a mixture ofsugar with borax sprinkled near the anthills will draw the ants to it, then they will eat it and carry it back to the colony nests and within a few days they will al lbe dead, including the colony queen. OR if you have any u-shaped pins to fit around the plastic containers in the 6-pack of TERRO liquid ant killer (which is what I use in my home when they begin to appear in the Spring) you can use that outside too, unless it rains which will render it ineffective. Bentley microstation 8.1. A six-pack will cost about $6 but it IS the MOST dependably effective any killer I have found in MY 64 years of life - not promoting it here, just telling you the facts of it as I see it. So if you go the borax and sugar route, here is a link with step by step instructions as how to use it (and if you use it exclusively outside I owuldn't bother with the containers and lids; just put a quarter-teaspoonful of it on level ground near the ant hill and in the 'highway' you see them using to get around.


I would put it around in several places in the yard to make sure you get as many as possible. The following information about ants is from THE OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC: '.A sudden convergence of ants in the garden, or a line of ants moving up and down a tree, usually indicates the presence of aphids, mealybugs, or other sap-sucking insects that attack plants. These insects produce a substance called honeydew: The ants stroke the insects with their antennas, causing the insects to excrete the sweet liquid. The ants swallow it and store it in a special holding stomach called the crop. The honeydew is brought back to the nest and shared with the queen and other workers. I put cornmeal around the perimeter of the room - they eat it, but can't digest it so they become dehydrated and die.

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Strawberry Patch Nc

I've done that with my strawberry patch, too. Those rotters kicked up a bunch of soil around the base of the plant to get to the fruit and I got very few berries in the season; apparently, baby powder does the same thing. As far as the ant hill goes, find it, pour a concoction of oil steeped with chili flakes and garlic, use a blender on it, put it through a sieve, add some water and pour it into the hill and flood it with the hose; if you do this, you needn't do the blender step. But, this is also a good bug spray like aphids, so you need in just liquid put it in a spray bottle. There are just some plants like nasturtiums that crawl with aphids or some sort of pest which were impossible to get rid of, so I don't plant them anymore. Never a short answer with me.