Leopold Tyrmand Zly Ebook

Posted : admin On 01.01.2020
Leopold Tyrmand Zly Ebook 3,7/5 4017 votes

Plaque in memory of Leopold Tyrmand at 6 Konopnickiej Street in, where he lived in 1946–1955Born( 1920-05-16)May 16, 1920,DiedMarch 19, 1985 ( 1985-03-19),LanguageLeopold Tyrmand (May 16, 1920 in, Poland – March 19, 1985) was a popular novelist, writer and editor. Tyrmand emigrated from Poland to the United States in 1966, and five years later married an American, Mary Ellen Fox. He served as editor of an anti-communist monthly with John A. Tyrmand died of a heart attack at the age of 64 years in Florida.


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