Wahl Model 9966 Manual

Posted : admin On 16.01.2020
Wahl Model 9966 Manual 4,0/5 6261 votes
  1. Wahl 9685 Assembly

The Blades are jammedIf there is a jam with the Wahl Razor there could be something caught in the blades at the tip. Caneco software. In this case, the blades should be taken out, checked for hair, and replaced. The tips must be unclipped and removed. Then unscrew the top two screws and the remove the broken blades and replace with the new one. Once the blades are put back in, the tips are reattached and the razor should be good to go.The blades could possibly be bent. In this case the previous steps would be followed and blades would be replaced.

Wahl 9685 Assembly


Wahl 1045 Precision Clipper Blade SetLike the dead motor hairs could be stuck in the blades preventing them to move freely. Use the small brush to wipe away anything near the blades that could prevent it from moving and then apply the oil and try to use them. If nothing happens you must take apart the blades and replace them.