Warmaster Ancients Rules Pdf

Posted : admin On 20.01.2020
Warmaster Ancients Rules Pdf 4,9/5 9886 votes

I just recently receive my copy of Warmaster Ancients and thought I'd post a quick review of the book and the rules.The book is 144 pages and is filled with quite a few illustrations and an excellent number of shots of miniatures. If you are familiar with the Warmaster Fantasy rulebook the WMA rules have more illustrations, pictures and, most importantly, diagrams of the rules.The book looks very good and is laid out in a very easy to read fashion.


The main thing it lacks is an index. Not sure why as an index is quite simple to create using the various page layout programs available.The rules are meant for 10/12mm figures (and 6mm as well) but there is an appendix for suggested changes to basing for larger scales.The game has 25 army lists covering the periods from the Chariot/Biblical era to the Dark Ages. With the exception of the Chariot era, which has four, all the eras (Chariot, Ancient Greek, Rise of Rome and Dark Ages) have 7 or 8 army lists.The army lists are very similar to the format used in Warmaster Fantasy (WF) but there are a sizable number of special rules to help describe and differentiate some of the units.

So there are rules for heavy Cavalry, Skirmishers, Warbands and Maniples. None of the rules are overly complex and it shouldn't take too many games before players have the rules learned.Basically the WMA rules are the same as WF with some very critical exceptions1) Units can't receive more than 3 orders. No more cavalry charges sweeping across the board and into your flank for crushing attacks2) Supporting infantry (one unit only) can accompany a charging unit. Either via orders or using initiative3) Skirmishers can evade charges and shooting4) Combat only lasts two rounds5) Cavalry and Chariots are based along the long edge of the base unless they are Shock cavalryThose five changes (there are more) are enough to rectify most of the issues that I have with the core Warmaster rules. In fact most of them eliminate most of the issues I have seen posted regarding the Warmaster game. Armies with high leadership will now no longer be able to create unrealistic sweeping advances across the board and cavalry is now only really effective when it is shock cavalry. Shock cavalry is quite rare in the WMA.All in all the game is a significant change from the original Warmaster game and should provide a more balanced playing experience.

So it retains the quick play value of Warmaster with changes to the rules to eliminate some of the problematic areas that caused Warmaster to sometimes be rather annoying to play.And for less historically minded gamers (such as myself) it provides a good entry-point into Ancients gaming.18 Jun 2005 1:20 p.m. PST. Thanks for the review, sounds interesting!One question comes to mind though; it is my understanding that the core rules contain army lists for about ten 'major' armies that one would expect to see (romans, gauls etc), but are there any plans to expand the rules with additional armylists, on the lines of what has been done in WAB? Right now this concern is what keeps me from buying in to the system, since I don't want to be stuck with the few lists that made it into the book and a horde of unofficial (as in 'not very playtested') lists off the net.Cheers/Fredrik18 Jun 2005 1:50 p.m. PST. — it is my understanding that the core rules contain army lists for about ten 'major' armies that one would expect to see (romans, gauls etc), but are there any plans to expand the rules with additional armylists, on the lines of what has been done in WAB?The book has 25 lists and none of them are, to my mind, minor.

The full list of armies is1. Achaemenid Persian2. Alexandrian Greek3. Early Byzantine8.

Imperial Roman16. Late Achaemenid Persian18. Late Roman19.

Republican Roman23. Sassanid Persian24. SuccessorI don't think there is any official plan at this moment to expand the army lists from those available in the book but Rick P. Has posted that he wants to epand the armies I jsut don't know if that will be via a PDF on the Warhammer Historical website or a new book.I guess it depends on how sales go.18 Jun 2005 2:01 p.m. PST. Most of the most grievous problems with WM seem to have been smoothed over in this version.


Warmaster Ancients Rules Pdf 2017

I'm sure our group will dispense with the 'no more than 3 orders' rule, though.There are a lot of mistakes in some of the army menus, but that can be tweaked by the players. I thought the quality of painting was surprising; GW usually does a pretty good job of getting great-looking models in their books, but the majority of the models in the WMA book were very pedestrian. That's just eye-candy, though.:)I wouldn't mind seeing a general 'Medieval' supplement come out someday, and I'm a little curious to see if ACW and Nappy versions come down the pike if this first volume sells well.18 Jun 2005 7:36 p.m. PST. This is a DRAFT look at the review which will be up on Wargames Journal this week sometime–I think the Journal one will have a few peoples views–not just mine;-)I must admit it is hard for me to give an impartial review of Warmaster Ancients as I love the rules they developed from – Warmaster. Now these were not everyone's cup of tea and had a couple of quirks that led to them being like Christmas and Birthdays all at once for the more ‘beardy' type of player. But to most people they provided an excellent, fast set of rules which have been adapted to many a period by different clubs and even into a WWII set of commercial rules (Blitzkrieg Commander).

There has always been an ancients version around on the net but these were just army lists for the core rules and for the average ancient wargamer the standard fantasy rules didn't work as well in an ancient setting. Cavalry is to strong and there are not enough troop types. So the rules didn't grab the ancient gamer and make them use their DBX bases for Warmaster. It was clear that if the core rules were to be used in an ancient setting in the ‘mass market' changes had to be made.

Rick Priestly went away and has come up with a set of rules which, even taking into account my obvious bias, seem ready to set the ancient gaming world on fire!Presentation wise they are the normal superb standard Warhammer Historical/GW fare. 144 pages of explanation, rules, army lists, lots of diagrams, full colour and lots of superb 10mm eye candy.

This is slightly offset by the graphic they have used on the front cover, which I must admit people tend to love, or think it looks stupid. A kind of ink washed graphic novel type Viking, it appears to be from a series of pictures illustrating a battle and there are other scenes in the book. Personally it doesn't really bother me but quite a few ‘historical gamers' have already commented and used it as a reason to lump the rules immediately in the GW ‘game' not real wargame category – while this is certainly their loss the choice of front cover does leave me a little perplexed.Firstly what most people who liked Warmaster were mainly concerned with; what do the army lists cover. @Coyoteh,Err do a search for 'Lord of the Rings' and see how many hits you get. So Google ratings now determine historic validity?;)Listen, I'm not harping about whether the 'Homeric' age was real or not–I've spent a very large (and ongoing) chunk of my life studying and excavating Bronze Age Greece.

I was just amused that 'Homeric' is being used as a historcial descriptor when he was, after all, composing fiction for an audience about 500 years after the original would have been conceived, and perhaps 1000 years after the fact (if any) and the version we have was heavily 'edited for politics' by people a couple hundred years after he died!At any rate, I was just thinking that we could call other armies 'Gilgameshian' or some other such thing. Just a musing on literary tags, nothing more intended.Cheers,Christopher19 Jun 2005 8:31 a.m. PST. CoolIf I didn't have so many new 15mm figures, and the upcoming release of Renegades 28mm Punic Wars minis I would be rushing to OG and Pendraken to buy a load of 10mm figures.I met a guy in Houston 2 years ago who had done a lot of Historical WM (He even had an article or two published in some Zine) minis.

He gave me a quick walk-through of the rules at that point.I was impressed.If I could just find minis that inspired me as much as the rules it would be a slam dunk to WMA, but unfortunately I am more driven by the quality of the lead available than the rules.Now If the rules DO drive the industry toward a preference for 10mm and WMA, and a resulting large number of figure manufacturers bring out 10mm lines with the look and quality of Xyston, Corvus Belli, Mirliton, Renegade, or Foundry…Then I will be ALL over WMA like white on rice.21 Jun 2005 3:11 a.m. PST.

Just the other day I excitedly picked up my first copy of Warmaster Medieval, I noticed it in the local Forbidden Planet and was most excited to find it was set out in a similar way to Blitzkrieg Commander. Ho Ho said I, for a long time I have been pushing my friends to get into medieval games and now it easy. Knights are like T34s! Peasants are like conscripts! And canons are like less boomy/exploady artillery.They were very pleased that playing this new game would only be a quick and painless change that needed only them to paint a new shiny army. I know that this may open a can of worms as to the historical accuracy of the game system but.

In the past (for BKC) we just bought the armies we liked the look of, so often my glorious Russians would often fight my friends Brits, Americans and Desert Italians!This time I have managed to get them to agree to a War of the Roses campaign. They were most excited with this, even as I type they are plotting my down fall but what they do not know is that I always keep a spare horse so I never need to trade my kingdom for one.Logged.

Hi,I think BKC 'borrowed' many of its command and control rules from War Master and War Master Ancients.Do you have a copy of the original Warmaster Rules? Yeah, have downloaded the Warmaster PDF from Games Workshop. One of the good chaps at my club (SECTION 8 Games club) informed me I needed WM ancients too, as the rules are in that book witch cover the discrepancies in Warmaster ME.But as I said, cant wait to get stuck into a little war of the roses action.

Even if some of my good friends want to use samurai, hope they enjoy getting peppered with longbows. I believe 'katana this' is going to be my choice phrase and 'they got the point' to cap it offLogged. The differences between warmaster and warmaster ancients WMA and warmaster medieval WMM are:- In WMA You need a the archers frontal free to shoot.-In WMA Rounds of engagement between two unit combat per turn are limited to 2 rounds.-In WMA Number of orders to move a unit is limited to 3.-In WMA if you have enemies in the flanks are you get a -1 to command-In WMA during the combat phase, count all the infantry supports.

Then decide who won the combat round, and finally remove the destroyed stands.-In WMM exists the countcharge. Attacker charge and move half of his movement. Defender could decalare a countecharge and then roll a command with the close commander and applied some extra modifiers depending of the type of unit (cavalry, infantry, etc.). If it is succesful the defenders charge the attackers.

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Warmaster Ancients Rules Pdf Download

Both of them count as being charging.-In WMM when defenders who are attacked by archers, count the support stands. For every support has -1cm to be pulled back for the shoot.hope I could explain myself (I am not english native speaker), but as you see there are few differences, easy to remember but could change the game.I am in love with WM, WMA, WMM and 10mm figures. It is a great game, I recommended« Last Edit: 06 August 2011, 08:31:44 AM by jchaos79 »Logged.