Bluecoat View Pac File
Posted : admin On 10.01.2020Recently I've been involved with ainstall; one of the requirements I've been faced with was helping theclient with was removing fixed proxy settings within their browsers.For how-to references a combination of google, wikipedia andare good places to start; I intend to document my experience you mayfind some overlap.The 1st thing to understand is that Firefox ( FF) and Internet Explorer( IE) both support an 'automatically detect proxy' setting, but theyare implement in different ways. Both FF & IE use a proxy.pac ( alsoknown as wpad.dat) for their configuration, they just 'look for it' indifferent ways.The proxy pac file is a java script that tells the browsers ( both FF &IE) how to connect, there's some good here, this is what I did. Proxy enableProxy# conf tProxy# inline accelerated-pac 123. Paste the contents of proxy.pac.123Proxy#Before going any further log into you're bluecoat, make sure that underServices - Proxy Services, HTTP 80 & 8080 are set to Intercept.
Nextcheck that Services - Management services, HTTP-Console 8081 isenabled. This service will be used to get the pac file, leaveHTTPS-Console 8082 on as using the 8081 for administrator access wouldbe a bad idea.You will now hopefully be able to download your pac file from thefollowing url.change the IP as necessary.Once that works we're going to add some proxy policy to make that url(a) nicer (b) compatible with Firefox. In the Bluecoat GUI under policy( not the visual policy manager) make sure that the local policy isread 1st.
At the top of the file list. The following ssh session ofpolicy, re-writes the pac file for a variety of names, basically I'vetried to capture every combination that a user might try. Proxy enableProxy# conf tProxy# inline policy local 123url=authenticate(no)url=authenticate(no)url=authenticate(no)url=authenticate(no)url=authenticate(no)url=authenticate(no)url.domain=cache(no)url.domain=cache(no)url.domain=cache(no)url.domain=cache(no)url.domain=cache(no)url.domain=cache(no)url=action.rewritepac(yes)url=action.rewritepac(yes)url=action.rewritepac(yes)url=action.rewritepac(yes)url=/wpad.dat action.rewritepac(yes)define action rewritepacrewrite(url,'(.)','thats the bluecoat side of things sorted, now we need to getclients to download the file!
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This is where the browser have differentapproaches.Internet explorer uses DCHP Option 252 to detect the proxy, you canset the option of any of the URLS you're re-writing on the bluecoat, Ichose.Firefox uses DNS to detect the proxy, so you're going to need tocreate some records. The bluecoat was called 'proxy' so an Arecord for proxy.mycompany.local already existed, we created aCNAME record for wpad.mycompany.local pointing toproxy.mycompany.local.
Exploded View Pac Fab Triton Tr-60
Pac File Security
If your dns domain is something likeuk.mycomany.local you'll need to add cname wpad.mycompany.local and add the necessarylines to the bluecoat rewire code above.Once done you can set either browser to 'automatically detect' andfinger's cross all will work! Rgds, Nick. Published:. Tags:. Author.