Marathon Infinity Windows

Posted : admin On 20.12.2019
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MarathonFIRST AND FOREMOST: THERE ARE NO SECRET CODES FOR MARATHON!Or for any of its sequals, for that matter. Bungie specificallyremoved these, as it can make these games too easy to beat.If you absolutely need to cheat, you can grab a saved gamemodifier from and usethat to adjust your statistics.Assign the Caps Lock key as your run key. Always keep it downexcept when doing some fine maneuvering. If you do this, you may wantto switch your action key (default 'tab') to the control key, such thatit stays close to your weapon keys.Learn to Grenade Hop (also called Jumping).

  1. Marathon Aleph One Map Editor
  2. Marathon Infinity Windows 7
  3. Aleph One Android

This is very useful whentrying to access a place that is too high off the ground to reachnormally, as well as for crossing lava. The easiest way to do it is toface where you want to go, give yourself some running room, look down,then run at the point where you want to go, firing a grenade at your feetjust before you reach a wall (or whatever). You will take some damage,but you should find yourself at the upper level.

Make sure you don'tfire right on top of the wall, because you will most likely die. Instead, you want to time it to be just before you reach the wall in order totake minimal damage. You can practice this on the second level, 'BiggerGuns Nearby.' Grenade Walking is also important. In this case, you usually just needto get up to a high step.

Back up to the step, aimdown, and fire.You can also you SPNKR missiles instead of grenades.they'll take youmuch higher and farther than grenades, but are also much more deadly ifmistreated.Grenade Climbing is a difficult trick, and requires either full shieldsor invincibility, and a full load of grenades. You also need a placethat is too high for a single grenade, and a good amount of straightwall that leads to that place. (A good example is the DeprivationChamber on 'Never Burn Money').

Get back as far as possible fromthe goal along the wall (the wall needs to be perfectly straight).Then turn into the wall slightly (just a tap on the turn key).Aim down, and begin to run forwards. Launch a grenade. Itshould hit the wall and you will take some damage, but you'llbe flying. As soon as your descent starts, fire another grenadedown at the wall.

Continue until you reach your goal. This is avery difficult maneuver to accomplish.You can also reach high platforms with either the flamethrower orthe alien gun in the low gravity levels (the Pfhor ship levels).Exploding Bobs: cunning. They are innocent colonistthat have been converted by the Pfhor into exploding bombs.

Thesecan be tricky the first time you run into them, but there are someeasy steps that you can take to distinguish between a normal Boband the exploding Bob. First, normal Bobs will always say 'They'reeverywhere!' (well, assuming you haven't played with the sound file),while the exploding Bob will shout 'Thank God, it's you!' Secondly,exploding Bobs are always green.

Finally, if shot with the pistol,exploding Bobs will spill yellow blood, while normal Bobs will bleedred. Thus, if a Bob is in question, fire one shot at it and look atthe color of blood that spurts out.On the lower skill levels, there is a limit to how much ammo youcan carry (these are for Normal gameplay):50.44 Magnum clips25Fusion batteries15MA-75 clips8MA-75 grenade packs4SPNKR Missiles3Napalm CanistersRemember that you can also have a full load in any weapon, sotheoretically, you have one more than what's listed above. It wouldseem that with higher difficulty levels, the above limits do notapply.Some doors, such as ones on 'Couch Fishing', 'Cool Fusion' and 'Colony Ship.' ,can be propped open. These door are activated by a switch, and will closeafter a certain amount of time. However, if you deactivate the switchjust before the door finishes opening, the door will stay in that positionindefinitely.From Jason Martin Levitt comes a simple methodology for approaching any level:1. Search for switches and room entrances by usingmap mode.2.

Flip all switches.-If a switch stays on after you've flipped it, don'tbother it again.-If a switch turns itself off soon after youflip it, that means either the changewas permanent, temporary, or reversible.a. Permanent change - the switch is permanentlyoff - you can't turn it on again.b. Temporary change - An event occurred thatyou need to deal with immediately. Generally,this means you need to run to some nearbyplace to take advantage of the change immediatelyafter hitting the switch.c.

Reversible change - For example, hitting theswitch causes a pedestal to lower itself andstop. Hitting the switch again makes thepedestal go up and stop. Sometimes, you havefull control in these situations i.e. Youcan stop the pedestal at any point.3. Look for switches in unreachable places on the walls.Use grenades or rocket launchers on those.Ed: The Zeus Fusion Pistol will also activate somebuttons, but only on overload (hold down alternateweapon button (default 'option') and wait a second).4.

Marathon Infinity Windows

Marathon Aleph One Map Editor

Look for entrances in unreachable places on the walls.Ways to get to unreachable entrances:a. Jump to them by using the 'run' modifier key.Often, switching to map mode before making ajump makes it easier to see where you're headed.b.

Use pedestals if they're available by jumpingacross them. Usually, you must be running toaccomplish this.c. Use a grenade or rocket to boost yourselfup by aiming it at the ground and firing.You do this by backing yourself up to the ledge,aiming at the ground, and firing.On levels where you have friends, such as Bobs, friendly defensedrones, and friendly S'pht, if you follow these around, you'llsometimes find additional secret areas.You can abort looking at a terminal by pressing 'ESC'. Thismay be helpful if you want to grab more ammo or shields beforeleaving a level.If you are looking for an alien weapon from one of the enforcerson the later levels, then put away that flame thrower! It'lltoast both the alien AND the weapon.

A SPNKR missile willalso do the same.Richard S. Keirstead describes a method for getting outside the Marathonor Pfhor ships:You'll need the following things to do this: a saved game ofEupfhoria, and your cheater pumped up a bit so as not to be distract bythings coming after you. You also need to have a 'short' physics model,one in which the player's physical profile is that of a midget and yourline of sight is about knee-height.Enter this level then find your way to the octagonal room at the bottomright of the map. Leading to this room is a gray-walled tunnel thatappears to be shaking heavily. This is also the same place an alienteleporter drops you at one point.

In the octagonal room, you can seethe Marathon floating in space through the slightly V-shaped window.Now you're 'short' and can walk up onto the ledges of patternbuffers and computer terminals. You can also walk up onto window sills.This particular window appears to have no glass in it, you can shootright out into space.Just run at the window and in your stunted profile, you'll go rightthrough the window and begin walking toward the Marathon. Go ahead andwalk right up to it. It gets bigger and more pixelated as you getcloser. It is really huge. Go ahead and fire some weapons to see whathappens.Now turn around a look back at the Phfor ship.

I won't tell you whatyou see.Bungie never expected you to be so short and there are other placeshere and there in the game where there are no panes of glass in thewindows of either ship.Marathon 2: DurandalAll of the above tips also work for Marathon 2, unless otherwisementioned.A player can carry 80 shotgun cartridges, maximum (save for TotalCarnage, where that limit is infinite.)Besides the weapons listed above, a shotgun blast can also activate(or destroy) a switch, as well as a single shot from the alien weapon.Remember, you now have 2 fists to hit with. Bring up the second fistwith the secondary weapon key.The fusion pistol now will beep as you overload it (holding down thesecond firing key). The longer you hold it down, the higher pitch thebeeping will be. Unlike in the demo, the pistol will only dischargeonce it overloads (in the demo, it provided a large blast that couldbe used for propelling oneself).If you are stuck underwater, you can swim by continually pressing therun key. While you are swimming, you can move in any direction with thenormal movement keys. This also works in lava, but you won't last long.When you reach the surface of the water, you'll jump out approximatelyhalfway, allowing you to scramble out of pool and onto land.(In the demo, you had to repeatedly press the run key to do this).If you are having trouble getting out of the water (or other liquid),release the swim keep momentarily, then reengage it. You'll popout a bit higher from the water and hopefully onto land.

You can alsomove backwards out of the water, firing a weapon behind you to giveyou a bit more push out of the water (the Magnum works well here)When underwater, the only weapons that work are your fists and thefusion pistol. However, the pistol doesn't fire a shot, but instead'electrocutes' the surrounding area, damaging you and others nearby.A fusion pistol on overload will cause more damage and a larger area.When fighting half-in the water (or other liquid), make sure your keepyour gun pointed a tad upwards.

Marathon Infinity Windows 7

Sometimes (with varying liquid levels),the shot from your gun will impact right there in front of you, andyou'll take damage. Holding the gun slightly raised will help preventthis.Weapons and ammo can be teleported in, thus it is necessary to explore everypossible space in each level. Once you find an ammo stash, it may be worththe trouble to leave the stash after clearing it out, then coming backlater, at which point more ammo may appear.

An example of this is theshotgun cache on the first level.Besides weapons and ammo, monsters can also teleport in, which can leadto nasty ambushes. However, this is always preceded by the alienchatter that is heard when an alien activates. Keep your ears openfor this sound, and it may save your life.Let the new improved Bobs fight your battles for you. They havegood aim, and generally will go for the tougher aliens.

Although theymay die by doing this, your job will be easier.If you are short Magnum ammo, kill a Bob: they'll drop an ammo pack (forthe blue shirted variety) or another Magnum (for the dirty brown shirted).Be careful when shooting through trellises and other such walls. Yourshots may accidentally hit the trellis. Thus, avoid the use of grenadesor SPNKRs if standing right in front of one.The assimilated BOBs are back. As before, they are always in green.As before, they shout unexpected words ('Blast the vent core' isquite common among these types). They will never use their gun(either on you or others). They bleed yellow blood.

Aleph One Android

Thus, thetask of ferreting out the good BOBs from the bad is as easy asin Marathon. HOWEVER, there is a big difference when they die.not only do they still have a blast radius, but this occurs when thebody hits a wall, not when they die. This can be very annoying.if you have two of the assimilated BOBs following you down a narrowhall, and you shoot the first one, its body can fly back behind thesecond one and then explode, sending the second one (now dead) flyingtowards you and causing you damage. Always leave enough space betweenyourself and the BOBs to make this happen. Also, you can use theassimilated BOBs as a weapon by killing one in the middle of a packof other baddies.As stated in a term on 'We're everywhere', the new fusion pistol isVERY effective against Pfhor machinery.use it against the Hunters,Troopers, and the tank guys.

Also, in the demo films that are playedin the release version, you'll see a good technique with the pistol.using the overload shot as often as possible. However, be warned thatthe Hunters, if killed by a plasma pistol, will generally explode with asmall blast radius that's quite painful.M2 tends to run short of ammo. For that reason alone, you'll need topractice the technique of getting the baddies to fight each other.This is usually done by running circles around a group of baddiesand/or running through the middle of two groups. You hope thata stray shot that was meant for you is taken by another baddie, whichwill then turn on the original firer, allowing battle to ensue.Once you have several baddies in this situation, its best to fleefor cover until the sounds of battle have died out. Then returnto the scene to finish off the remaining creatures.

This workswell with any projectile fighters, including Troopers, Hunters,Enforcers, and the tank guys.There is a new type of Hunter in the game.its blue and MUCH larger thannormal hunters. When it dies, it has a good sized-blast radius, andit will kill you if you are too close.

Therefore, make sure you stayat a distance from these guys.A general tip.when you drain water from one place, it usually hasto fill up in another location.Use underwater fights as much as possible. Most monsters becomeineffective underwater, especially Troopers and Hunters, and gettingoxygen on most levels is a simple task. Although it will take a whileto kill many creatures with fists, its worth the trouble.Save the power up canisters for as long as possible. For example,in 'If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Someone Pay', it is veryimportant to pick up the 3x canister just before you continue pastthe airlock. As these (usually) don't regenerate, it important tomake them count.The Alien Gun is much more powerful that before. The main triggerreleases a single shot of intense heat. The alternate trigger sendsout two shots.

If you hold both triggers down at the same time,you will get.three. shots from the weapon. A nice thing to havewhen there is an approaching front of Phfor. In order to get thealien weapon (beyond picking one up, that is), is to kill anEnforcer using your magnum, MA-75 bullets (not grenades), WSTE-Mshots, or the plasma pistol. Any other method of killing oneof these will destroy the alien gun as well.Marathon InfinityAs before, all the above tips with Marathon and Marathon 2 work inMarathon Infinity.The plot of Marathon Infinity is set up in a non-linear fashion; thatis, unlike in Marathon or Marathon 2, where you visited every level, inorder, it is possible with Marathon Infinity to miss some levels, or toreplay some levels over.