24vdc Motor Driver

Posted : admin On 14.12.2019
24vdc Motor Driver 3,6/5 3911 votes

Two-phase hybrid stepping motor driver, the drive voltage is from 24VDC to 80VDC. It is designed for use with 2-phase hybrid stepper motor of all kinds with 57mm to 110mm outside diameter and less than 7.8A phase current. This circuit enables the motor to run smoothly almost without noise and vibration. It is widely used in middle and big size numerical control devices such as curving machine, CNC machine, and computer embroider machine, packing machines and so on.For 12V I/O use 1K series resistor on + lines. For 24V I/O use 2.2K series resistor on + lines.Features. Input voltage: 24-80VDC.

  1. 24v Motor

Input current.

Worm Drive MotorsThese simple motors have some great characteristics which make them suitable for a wide range of applications!They are generally low speed but capable of extremely high torque. Worm drives offer a brake feature (by the nature of their design) which means when there is no power applied to the worm drive, the load cannot turn the motor. They offer a right angle (or even left angle) gearbox for practical mounting in tight spaces.The only real downfall these have is low efficiencies.

24v Motor

Even the best worm gear drives only have an efficiency between 60-80%.